Monday, September 23, 2013

Stories I Have WRITTEN

Current thoughts:

  • I am ASHAMED of myself (for some reason). "The group" is everywhere!! "The group" may be reading this once it is published on to my blog!! $!#*!! Oh well, I've experienced worse. Way worse. I dun cair if dey reed dis er not. Dey dun tawc to mee nneemoar so wutevr.
  • The last two lines were stupid.
  • Colgate is the most awesome brand ever. 
  • The Hunger Pains is the most awesome parody ever. The ending was quite... unexpected and un-explainable...
  • I actually had homework and didn't do it. And major projects to turn in in about a week. DOUBLE SHAME!!
  • I didn't tell you my Twitter name last post. TRIPLE SHAME!!! Oh well, I think you can figure it out... (if anyone reads this, which is no one except my friend)
Anyways, I digress (I love that word. It used to be my favorite word) too much.

I start stories but I never finish them. In a nutshell, I get ideas, play them out in my mind, write the beginning, then have trouble with the middle and never make it to the end (which I planned out). A few of those kinds of stories are: Pokemon Platinum fanfiction (with Danime, myself), Sonic the Hedgehog fanfiction (with my fan character Swift as the main character), Club Penguin: Human Version, a Number World story I had made when I was in 1st grade, and (probably) The Reminiscent.

I told you before that I like to write, and last post I kind of foreshadowed about a book I was going to tell you about. Well guess what, I told you the title now. It's... The Reminiscent. It was originally supposed to be called The Boredom Chronicles which was the (not-so) perfect title for the book, mainly because it was just random boredness (that's not a word).

Then, I wanted a plot for the story. I threw in a bunch of fiction, changed characters' names, a symbol, representations, and a meaning to the story. That's what readers want, right? They want an interesting plot beginning to end and well developed characters. What they also expect is the plot to be related to the genre. The genre for The Reminiscent would probably be the genre with a school as the main setting. What do you call that? 

The Reminiscent shows a few internal conflicts for the main character. She struggles between two worlds: The Imagination and the Real World. 

NOW, being the lazy person I always am, I will end this post right here, right now with a short list of stories I have accomplished (not in chronological order):

  • Wonder Bread story (made halfway through 1st grade). It was... silly. Too silly.
  • A School Day with N (made in first week of 7th grade). Basically, it was my first day of school with the Pokemon character N thrown in there. I was a SUPER Pokemon nerd.
  • Oblivion (it was for the short story in 7th grade). It was a completely random idea and I had no intention to write it. But it was awesome and fun. Summary: Val is trapped in a dream world with a little girl, and they are being chased by Val's childhood friend, Seth. Val faces a few trials...
  • And of course, my journal. I have no idea where the heck it is, but I never want to see the "Destruction" pages ever again. 90% were light-hearted events... 

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